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  Oracle Technology Site. email: fuyuncat@gmail.com  MSN: fuyuncat@hotmail.com Add to circle  acoug  acoug 
New ArticlesWelcome
Oracle 12.2 SQL Parsing bug...(2017-05-25) [Doc]
Oracle 12c new SQL Hints...(2016-05-05) [Doc]
Flashback Snapshot of Schema...(2015-11-03) [Doc]
Consistent Gets may not tell the truth...(2015-10-23) [Doc]
Oracle 12c Hybrid Histogram...(2013-08-27) [Doc]
Oracle 12c TOP-N Frequency Histogram...(2013-08-21) [Doc]
Rescue data in the worst situation (2)...(2013-03-20) [Doc]
Rescue data in the worst situation (1)...(2013-03-19) [Doc]
Understand Buffer Cache in further --- Build up queryable Buffer Cache Chain data...(2013-02-06) [Doc]
Oracle SQL Hints --- Contents...(2013-01-16) [Doc]
Hello DBA

Welcome to Fuyuncat(Wei Huang)'s personal web site. Built in 2005.
 Oracle 12.2 SQL Parsing bug

 by fuyuncat

Oracle 12.2 parsing SQL will raise ORA-03113 error under special conditions.

 Oracle 12c new SQL Hints

 by fuyuncat

Oracle introduced many new features in 12c, some of which are related to SQL optimization. Quite a few SQL hints come along with these new features.

 Flashback Snapshot of Schema

 by fuyuncat

A way to create flashback snapshot for a schema in Oracle.

 FyDul: Last chance for saving your oracle data

 by fuyuncat

What if your oracle crashed and can not be recovered? FyDul is the last chance for you to save your data. It's is small program to read the data from data files directly. I wrote this program in 2006, and now I improved it to make it easier be used.

 One single SQL helps you to analyze the performance of a SQL

 by fuyuncat

This is the script I am using to analyze SQL performance. It major contains one SQL only. It can show most of detail information about the SQL if available. And you can shoose to show parts of them.

 Fy_Recover_Data 2014.03.07 Update -- You can recover truncated table from offline data files now

 by fuyuncat

In case you found that you truncated a table should not be done. You may copy the data files of the tablespace to a local location. And then use Fy_Recover_Data to recover data from those offline files. This will guarantee minimuming data lost.

Products Update Welcome
FyDul: Last chance for saving your oracle data...(2016-04-24) [Prod]
One single SQL helps you to analyze the performance of a SQL...(2016-03-12) [Prod]
Fy_Recover_Data 2014.03.07 Update -- You can recover truncated table from offline data files now...(2016-03-07) [Prod]
Fy_Recover_Data Update (2014-02-20) --- Support ASM now!...(2016-02-19) [Prod]
Erratum of "Oracle SQL Optimizing and Tuning Technologies"...(2013-01-11) [Prod]
Oracle SQL Hints...(2013-01-08) [Prod]
Scripts of "Oracle SQL Optimizing and Tuning Technologies"...(2013-01-07) [Prod]
Fy_Recover_Data --- A PLSQL package to recover (Truncated) data...(2012-08-14) [Prod]
OraTracer Upgrade...(2012-06-29) [Prod]
FyDB becomes an open source project...(2011-08-09) [Prod]
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by fuyuncat