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FySafe (a data recovery tool) features and update logs


Author:  fuyuncat

Source:  www.HelloDBA.com

Date:  2006-07-07 17:52:13

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FySafe can recover data from data files of a damaged Oracle database system, help user rescue business data as much as possible. It can quickly recovery kinds of data files stored in different platform, from different versions of Oracle; It can recover almost all kinds of tables, including normal, compressed, index orgnized, cluster, partition tables, and can recover all kinds data types, objects and plsql programs.

FySafe features:


·        Platform

o       Unix

o       Linux

o       Windows


·        Java

o       Java 1.4.2_09 or up


·        Oracle Database Version

o       Oracle 8.1.7

o       Oracle 9i

o       Oracle 10g


·        Object types can be recovered

o       Tables (DDL)

o       Data stored Tables

§         Heap Tables

§         Cluster Tables

§         Partition Tables

§         Compressed Tables

§         IOT Tables

o       Indexes (DDL)

§         Normal Indexes

§         Bitmap Indexes

§         Compressed Indexes

o       Cluster

o       Types

o       Packages

o       Functions

o       Stored Procedures

o       Triggers


·       Data Types

o       Char

o       Varchar2

o       NChar

o       NVarchar2

o       Number

o       Float

o       Integer

o       Raw

o       Long

o       Long Raw

o       Date

o       Timestamp

o       Interval Year To Month

o       Interval Day to Second

o       Rowid

o       CLOB

o       NCLOB

o       BLOB

o       Bfile

o       XMLType (Stored as CLOB)


·        Charater Sets

o       UTF-8

o       UTF-16

o       US7ASCII

o       GBK

o       … …


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by fuyuncat