2009-11-10 01:14:31
In this case, I will involve the sorting.
- HELLODBA.COM>conn demo/demo
- Connected.
- HELLODBA.COM>alter system flush buffer_cache;
- System altered.
- HELLODBA.COM>ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';
- Session altered.
- HELLODBA.COM>set autot trace stat
- HELLODBA.COM>select * from t_test2 order by table_name;
- 2072 rows selected.
- Statistics
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- 7 recursive calls
- 21 db block gets
- 65 consistent gets
- 201 physical reads
- 0 redo size
- 131049 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
- 1903 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
- 140 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
- 0 sorts (memory)
- 1 sorts (disk)
- 2072 rows processed
Review the trace file, we can get the Logical reads number: 62 data block rows fetching + 3 segment header reads = 65.
Check the file in detail, you will found the FETCH came after all the sorting operation completed, that means the arraysize will not affect the data block reads, so, each of the data block was just read once in this case! compare to the previous test case that query the same table without sorting, its Logical reads is lower.
Since this case involved the sorting, we can find below new entries,
- pin stswh00: stsswr dba 402f3f:2 time 857155584
- pin release 43 stswh00: stsswr dba 402f3f:2
- WAIT #2: nam='direct path write temp' ela= 0 file number=201 first dba=12080 block cnt=1 obj#=97820 tim=857155720
It's not hard to guess the stsswr is the operation to write sorting data in temp segments. Since it's to write data, it's counted as db block gets. There are 21 db block gets.
- C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\hellodba.com>set /a a=0
- 0
- C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\hellodba.com>for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %i in ('findstr /C:"pin stswh00" C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\edgar\udump\LIO_Sort.trc') do @set /a a+=1 > NUL
- C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\hellodba.com>echo %a%
- 21
Read all of the sorting operation entries, we can find all of them wrote into the same block, so there was just 1 sorts in disk.
- pin stswh00: stsswr dba 402f3f:2 time 857147806
- ...
- pin stswh00: stsswr dba 402f3f:2 time 857255971
- pin stswh00: stsswr dba 402f3f:2 time 857256077
Finally, let's calculate the physical reads. By counting the "db file sequential read" & "db file scattered read" waits blocks, we get 63 PIO. Then count the "direct path read temp", we get the other 138 PIO.
- C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\hellodba.com>set /a a=0
- 0
- C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\hellodba.com>for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %i in ('findstr /C:"direct path read temp" C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\edgar\udump\LIO_Sort.trc') do @set /a a+=1 > NUL
- C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\hellodba.com>echo %a%
- 138
Btw, in other test cases with same process, I noted sometimes the "direct path read temp" number is more than excepted, I still not found the reason, just guess it may caused by the recursive calls.
--- Fuyuncat TBC ---